vSphere Standard
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VMware, VMware vSphere, vSphere Standard
VMware vSphere Standard – Prepaid Commit – Per Core
รหัสสินค้า : VS8-STD-SK-TLSS
- สั่งซื้อขั้นต่ำ 16 Core / CPU
- Licensing Model : Subscription
- License Metric : Per Core
- vCenter Edition Includes vCenter Standard
- VMware vSphere 8 Standard
- vSphere Hypervisor
- vMotion
- High Availability (HA)
- Storage vMotion
- Fault Tolerance
- vShield Endpoint™
- vSphere Replication™
- Support for 4K Native Storage
- vSphere Quick Boot
- vCenter High Availability
- vCenter Backup and Restore
- vCenter Server Appliance™ Migration
- vCenter Hybrid Linked Mode
- Hot and Cold Migration to the Cloud
- Per VM Enhanced vMotion Compatibility
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